Sunday 29 July 2007

The perfect NY Saturday

Finally, after a gruelling week I got to relax.

I met Dean for a calorific brunch, had a horrifically overpriced facial from 'Cookie' at Spa Butterfly, and then Dean & I wandered over to MOMA

I then let my credit card take a serious beating. One digital camera, Sephora visit, Virgin Megasgtore shop and Mexican take out later, I made my way home.

Tomorrow - Yifhat's husband's rooftop party.


darren said...

yay!!! something interesting to read while i drudge through my boring office life..... welcome back've been missed...... lunchtime just ain't the same without reading about your adventures in Roma/NYC...... one request - can you try and find a NYC attic party? i have hear so much about them =D

darren said...

whoops posted twice.... didn't realise.... =D