"You figure it out. It's a FREAKIN' Monday!!"
I heart NY.
In other news, Mikey and I passed Sunday without drinking alcohol. Pick yourselves off the floor.
It was a day of tourist bliss. It started with a terrible brunch (chef's special sauce?!), and then made it's way into Central Park. The weather was just lovely. See how pretty the view was. Ahhhhhh...
I was having a wonderful time until we got to the zoo. Poo-ey!!! But no fear, something bigger, better and more tacky was waiting.
No. It was a rowing boat. And I LOVED it (despite the subsequent sunburn).
I have to say, we were MUCH better than most people on the lake / algae-ridden scum waterway. Not that I'm competitive. Photo of Mikey rowing and then posing with Ghostbuster-esque architecture in the background:
Speaking of Ghostbusters, I've become addicted to Family Guy (I resisted for so long) - here's a cultural frame of reference to anyone my age with a younger brother Zool
Urghhhh. I promised Mikey I'd only post his photos if I posted one of me, so yuck here it is. Though truthfully, I was quite enjoying everyone thinking he was a chauvinist pig whilst I was actually enjoying the exercise.

Then we schlepped up to the Guggenheim - which luckily cost us nada. Thank the lord for my old JPM pass and the tipoff from Dean, working there was clearly worth something after all.
Ooooh see how post modern I am
and here is Mikey as art. I know it looks like Saturday Night Fever but it's in an Art Museum so it's ironic and don't you forget it.

Finally, we went to see The Bourne Ultimatum. Fantastic film, only slightly marred by the proximity to the screen. It was like Clockwork Orange optical torture. Couple that with it being set in two locations I'm extremely familiar with (Waterloo and midtown), and you've got a cerebral overload.
p.s. yesterday saw a stabbing two blocks from me, a random shooting and two executions. And they start spraying for Mosquitos tonight....
1 comment:
Hmm, I've tried panning for gold and digging for truffles, but never spraying for mosquitos.
I thought you had enough of those already.
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