Sunday 26 August 2007


I was right. It was an awful week, culminating with a giant arse-kicking on Friday. I expect the kickings to go on for at least another 2-3 days.

To try and take my mind off things, I decided to lose myself in the magic of the movies.... Just awful, one of the most dire films I've ever seen. It was meant to be a British 'comedy' but I didn't even crack a smile.

What's worse, is that while I sat contemplating the fact that I was wasting 2 hours of my life, the rest of the audience were in stitches. Freaks.
Plus the entire cast looked ugly and that guy in Trainspotting was in it with the most ridiculous accent ever. And that moron from the BT advert who now seems obligatory for any 'British humour' that might get exported.

The acting was forced and the plot lines predictable. Even the cast looked embarrassed.


My new 'top 5 worst films' list is now as follows:

1. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
2. The Forgotten
3. Planet of the Apes (2001)
4. Death at a Funeral
5. The End of the Affair (1999)

Saying that, I don't know how I can rate those and then also sit through the oddity I watched the other day. Clearly something that would have heavily influenced 'Kill Bill', I found myself drawn into 'Sister Street Fighter' - a 1974 Japanese martial arts film improbably screened at 10am on a Saturday morning. I decided to label it 'cult' which made it OK for me to watch something so bad.

It's basically your average story of a young woman who sets out to rescue her brother from a crime lord, via a series of badly choreographed fight scenes. After some appallingly dubbed and stilted dialogue, the mobster sets his gang onto her family, ensuring his evil do-ers wear Fred Flintstone dresses and white masks before ambushing them.
Inbetween there's lots more snarling, hand waving, flares, sunglasses and bad fights. Many people die horribly.
Cue ending set to Kill Bill-esque music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Capitain Corellis Mandolin - That must be a typo! this is one of my favourite chick flicks (and it has a bit of topless action)